Night of the Refugee 15-16 June 2019

Whether you're planning to walk 10, 20, or 40 kilometers, your Night of the Refugee is guaranteed to be a demanding but unforgettable experience!

National Event
This year celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Night of the Refugee. With more than 7,000 participants spread over 10 cities throughout the country, it's expected to be another memorable occasion. Where can we expect you this year? Make sure to sign up now, as there's only a limited number of places available.

Together with the help of thousands of people, we aim to raise the largest amount possible in order to provide more emergency aid to refugees and internally displaced people. This aid is badly needed with more than 68.5 million people on the run from war and violence.

By participating and while being sponsored, you too can help refugees in need. The more money you raise, the more emergency aid comes available for them.

So Join us! Today!

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